FGTECH GALLETTO V54 FIX EPT HEX DUMP & PROGRAM FOR 0475 AND 0386 What you can find here: 1.For tool number 0386: ept file,fix file,hex dump and 2 versions of programs V54 used for it, the one from china and the AES November software. 2.For tool number 0475: ept file,fix file, hex dumps made from my tool and program V54 for it that does not need time back. 3.For both tools you have here how to connect to it, how to read firmware movie, how to write dump that you wish. Reading and writing the mcu for this tool can be done with old Philips LPC 2000 software and USB-TTL adapter, preferd the one that uses PL2303 chipset. You need also a jumper in position to do that. If you want to check CRP level of your NXP LPC2119 mcu you can do that with FlashMagic and USB-TTL adapter. CRP LEVELS EXPLAINED: GALLETTO COMPLETE FANTOMEL.txt