Вот логи с включенной верификацией:
Flash Development Toolkit and flash programming components
are provided without support
OS: Windows Vista/Server 2008 [Admin]
FDT API initialised: version 4, 09, 02, 000
FCF Settings Applied: R4F70580S, (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Renesas\FDT4.09\Workspaces\111\111\)
Opening file C:\Users\User\Desktop\ðîáîòà\ñóáàðó\Subaru Tribeca 2008 US ROM Image.bin
File loaded: 0x00000000 -> 0x000FFFFF [User Flash]
File loaded: 0x00000000 -> 0x00002FFF [User Boot Flash]
Clock Frequency (External) = 10.0000MHz, Clock Mode = 0, CKM = 8, and CKP = 2
Connecting to device 'R4F70580S' on 'COM1'
'BOOT Mode' connection - using emulated interface
Opening port 'COM1' ...
Loading Comms DLL
Loaded Comms DLL
Initiating BOOT SCI sequence
Attempting 9600
Attempting 4800
Attempting 2400
Attempting 1200
Error No 15024: Boot failed
Clock Frequency (External) = 10.0000MHz, Clock Mode = 0, CKM = 8, and CKP = 2
Connecting to device 'R4F70580S' on 'COM1'
'BOOT Mode' connection - using emulated interface
Opening port 'COM1' ...
Loading Comms DLL
Loaded Comms DLL
Initiating BOOT SCI sequence
Attempting 9600
Received immediate response from device: 0xE6
Detected generic boot device
Sending inquiry for getting line size
Buffer size has been set to default (128 bytes)
Sending selection of device command
Selection of Device - Device selected, code 1n01
Sending selection of clock mode
Sending selection of clock mode
Selection of Clock Mode - Clock selected, code 0
Changing baud rate to 38400 bps
Set baud rate value = 38400
Determining block usage
Connection complete
Processing file :"C:\Users\User\Desktop\ðîáîòà\ñóáàðó\Subaru Tribeca 2008 US ROM Image.bin"
Loading image file : 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\ðîáîòà\ñóáàðó\Subaru Tribeca 2008 US ROM Image.bin'
Operation on User Flash
Loaded the Write operation module
Writing image to device... [0x00000000 - 0x00000F7F]
Writing image to device... [0x00000F80 - 0x0009447F]
Writing image to device... [0x000BB400 - 0x000BECFF]
Writing image to device... [0x000BF000 - 0x000BF27F]
Writing image to device... [0x000C0000 - 0x000D407F]
Writing image to device... [0x000DC600 - 0x000DF3FF]
Writing image to device... [0x000DF800 - 0x000DF87F]
Writing image to device... [0x000FFA80 - 0x000FFAFF]
Writing image to device... [0x000FFB80 - 0x000FFFFF]
Data programmed at the following positions:
0x00000000 - 0x00000F7F Length : 0x00000F80
0x00000F80 - 0x0009447F Length : 0x00093500
0x000BB400 - 0x000BECFF Length : 0x00003900
0x000BF000 - 0x000BF27F Length : 0x00000280
0x000C0000 - 0x000D407F Length : 0x00014080
0x000DC600 - 0x000DF3FF Length : 0x00002E00
0x000DF800 - 0x000DF87F Length : 0x00000080
0x000FFA80 - 0x000FFAFF Length : 0x00000080
0x000FFB80 - 0x000FFFFF Length : 0x00000480
701 K programmed in 269 seconds
Image written to device
Verifying data...
Verification OK