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S400 Hybrid No Start malfunction

Malek Meki

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Hello, I bought an "S400 hybrid 2010 Mercedes" a week ago, unfortunately, and I paid all my money, the car shut down suddenly when I was driving in the morning, and that problem appeared in the YouTube video, I replaced the 12-volt battery in the back of the car with a new one and the small Auxiliary battery.


Unfortunately, the car still shows the same indicator in the video, I checked the car twice in the OBD diagnostic scanner. You can read the inspection report in the picture.


I consulted several mechanics, some of whom told me the malfunction might be an electric short-circuit, or Poor wiring conductivity, and some told me that the problem was from the computer, or the ECM, Please watch the video and read the diagnostic report and provide help.


Video Problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqHweDHQvts


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  В 06.01.2021 в 17:31, Malek Meki сказал:

Hello, I bought an "S400 hybrid 2010 Mercedes" a week ago, unfortunately, and I paid all my money, the car shut down suddenly when I was driving in the morning, and that problem appeared in the YouTube video, I replaced the 12-volt battery in the back of the car with a new one and the small Auxiliary battery.


Unfortunately, the car still shows the same indicator in the video, I checked the car twice in the OBD diagnostic scanner. You can read the inspection report in the picture.


I consulted several mechanics, some of whom told me the malfunction might be an electric short-circuit, or Poor wiring conductivity, and some told me that the problem was from the computer, or the ECM, Please watch the video and read the diagnostic report and provide help.


Video Problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqHweDHQvts



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