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Весь контент pattrick

  1. hello. could you please help me with the pinout ? need to know the + - and K locations . thx.
  2. hello. i have free for you guys. med17.1.62 RS3 full damos ols and hex Pass in PM after thx and rep. https://we.tl/t-L6kmL6jQrR
  3. hello my friends! who can please please help me with a full bdm . flash , eeprom , processor for: VW CRAFTER 2.5TDI 074906032S 9506 SW: 1037382679 THANKS A LOT!
  4. here solution 100% work for egr dpf off edc16cp34 vag EGR and DPF off edc16CP34 group VAG.rar
  5. here is manual solution for Esclusione Swirl Flap Edc 16 Grupo Vw. Esclusione Swirl Flap Edc 16 Grupo Vw.rar
  6. here is manual solution for Esclusione Swirl Flap Edc 17 Grupo Vw. Esclusione Swirl Flap Edc 17 Grupo Vw.rar
  7. hello guys.here EDC 16 Fundamental Function . for perfect tuning.all elements EDC 16 Fundamental Function.rar
  8. hello guys. here is tutorial for dpf egr and flaps off. to do manual in winols. reputation if u download Tutorial egr, dpf, flaps off manual solutions.rar
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