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  1. i need 3 files for SW 3308AA71 : eeprom flash and mpcAstra 1.3 Mjet E2prom.binAstra 1.3 Mjet Flash.binAstra 1.3 Mjet MPC56.bin i try this files but not the same sw engine crank but no start Opel Astra H 1.3CDTI 55202542 Z13DTH 6O2.A6 2708A142 MJD6O2.A6/HW03F/2708-A142 my ecu is damaged when writing this file by kessWinOLS (Opel Astra-H (STG_1) 55566038HF) CS_ok.bin (problem occured low voltage battery)
  2. hi i need full bdm for : Astra H 1.3 CDTI manual trans 2008 ecu : 3308-AA68 55566038HF HW MAREL0100 SW 3308AA71 SW Ver. 0004 Engine Z13DTH
  3. hi sir, can i use this file for another car ? just rewrite vin number
  4. Personal Information: Senior Computer Technician My name Nömen My city Sousse My passions: IT of the Automotive sector Diag tool: Xentry autocom vcds, .... owner of the company "sos informatique" since more than 2002, I devoted myself to automotive software since 2008 how to activate download in this forum ?
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