sunxuemei 4 Опубликовано 25 мая, 2021 Поделиться Опубликовано 25 мая, 2021 It all adds up into NBA 2K21 MT the top sports gambling hit of 2020. Want a sports game in your own next-gen console? That is it. Although Jordan was actually suffering from food poisoning, the match became known in the annals of basketball history as'The Flu Sport. It is most brilliant, but wherever it is not, it's a complete mess. It's not flu or food poisoning that is making NBA 2K21 ill however; it's VC. The actual basketball in NBA 2K21 is sublime, with the series continuing to make little tweaks and enhancements with every installment. This year, a number of the irritating out-of-bounds scenarios are tightened up, but the largest change is that the shooting. While button shooting still exists, stick shooting strives to provide closer hands, and after originally with a punishing difficulty curve, a fast implemented hotfix makes it run much smoother. On the court, you could not ask for more. Away from the court, it's a different story. VC (or Virtual Money ) flows through everything, blocking off some issues from the otherwise top class MyCareer mode, and forcing you to choose between either upgrading your MyCareer pro or enhancing your MyTeam roster. Of course, the game really would like you to do both, but to do that, you need to invest more real money in-game. It is not merely that microtransactions are present, it is that the game pushes them hard that it damages your pleasure of MyCareer, puts barriers before your access to The Neighborhood, and sees many offline modes losing out. First, let's lace our Nikes and head to the Cheap 2K21 MT courtroom. After tightening up defense this past year, taking home the crown as the best sports sim on the market should have been an easy alley-oop to get NBA 2K21. It feels as though they've missed the dip but put in the rally. The departure, running, and defensive work is as clean as fast as it was last year, but this improvement has brought in stick shooting alongside the usual button drama, as well as changing the way the shooting meter both looks and works. danis1 1 Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Игорь Бойчук 26 Опубликовано 15 февраля, 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано 15 февраля, 2022 Спасибо yalymka, silman и Ivan230476 3 Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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