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Весь контент mhrm1

  1. они больше не принимают Paypal, это очень плохо для ваших продаж ...
  2. Оригинальное приложение для версии Easydiag 3.0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iqMFq9MqII4WFJfVcRC1MKavegdRJSEn/view
  3. can anyone know if it is possible to read the .bin file with eztoolkit and open it on the st-link to edit it and rewrite it again by eztoolkit? with this we would not have to disassemble the whistle.
  4. There is no exchange of information here because of commercial interests, this is regrettable. I'm doing some tests on my whistle and I've already had some successes ... I want to access it remotely or at least without having to unmount it, if you know anything let me know ...
  5. Through jlink it is possible to access the otp memory and edit the serial number, you will only need a hexadecimal calculator to do the conversion, edit and re-record ... But here the commercial interests speak louder, no one wants to spread it openly, have even created a secret chat for the more experienced to have access, are you willing to exchange information? because here only presentations ....
  6. use an android with the smaller version up to 6.0 use an android with the smaller version up to 6.0 use an android with the smaller version up to 6.0
  7. Serial number in memory otp. Loading file C: \ Users \ user \ Desktop \ by serger \ 2300 \ 2300by jlink locked.hex in PROGRAM MEMORY area ... <File successfully loaded. File Checksum 0xC85B78B > Programming section [8000000-80FFFFF] of PROGRAM MEMORY area ... Programming skipped from address 0x8060000 to 0x807FFFF because trying to program erased value 0x8080000 to 0x809FFFF because of trying to program erased value 0x80A0000 to 0x80BFFFF because of trying to program erased value Programming skipped from address 0x80C0000 to 0x80DFFFF because trying to program erased value <PROGRAM MEMORY programming completed. > Verifying section [8000000-80FFFFF] of PROGRAM MEMORY area ... ==> Reset done, device Running ... <PROGRAM MEMORY successfully verified.
  8. Can someone help me access the chat? because I click on access to the group and nothing happens.
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