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  1. I don't have download access because I am new user I do everything. Check synchronization with Tango dump editor I Change Immobilizer ECU and body control module. Car lock and unlock with remote transmitter. Steering lock working properly it lock and unlock as description. Car starts for few seconds and off. Only one DTC B2799. All modules are code free. I checked with techstream
  2. I received the car with damage smart key card damage "body control module" and damage "ID Code Box ( Transponder card )". I "changed Smart card", "ID code box" and "body control module". ignition is on car starts and stop after 5 seconds. DTC is B2799. I sync with 13-4 for 32 minutes. But problem is not solved. i read eeprom rh86 from ECM and verify with ID Code EEProm codes are matched. I put ECM in another car that car starts fine. Need advice what next to do? Я получил автомобиль с повреждением смарт-карты-ключа, повреждением "модуля управления кузовом" и повреждением "Ящика идентификационного кода (карты транспондера)". Я «сменил смарт-карту», «поле кода ID» и «модуль управления кузовом». зажигание идет машина запускается и останавливается через 5 секунд. Код неисправности - B2799. Я синхронизирую с 13-4 32 минуты. Но проблема не решена. Я считываю eeprom rh86 из ECM и проверяю, совпадают ли коды EEProm с помощью идентификационного кода. Я поставил ECM в другую машину, она заводится нормально. Нужен совет, что делать дальше?
  3. Is there any dtc in main body ECU or smart entry system
  4. Is your problem solved or not. if not solved send me steering ecu dump and your key data screen shot.
  5. Your id code dump was corrupted. I sync the id code and smart key. But it is still need sync of Steering ECU and engine ECU. Toyotaestima.rar In you smart key ecu two keys registered. one of them key1 is banned cant be used.
  6. I can sync but files can not be download. You can also sync by techsteam
  7. plesase add code for OT: JP: is not working EU and NA are working
  8. Please provide activation code 57C0F9D0E737D3F6ADD80A1637590E05 15.00.026 Thanks in advance
  9. Hi I need Service manual of Proton IMPIAN campro 2007.
  10. Anachem

    Script for Toyota ODO correction

    Toyota Odo meter Correction. YazakiAuto.zip
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