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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSfSCQnk5UM Macros & hotkey AHK script for Ecm Titanium Auto Search and Download Drivers This script makes a daily max driver download easy and unattended Automatics functions: Open exe ,Read Config.txt ,Configure Search, AutoSelect only Red drivers, Download driver, Counter downloads , Check Limit 24h drivers download, Close exe. Config.txt file contains parameters like, word to search, loops max, error max and others. NOTICE ! This script only make automatic task search and download. Wildcard to display all results from the database %%% This script only works with genuinie software and full subscription of said program updated. Limit download 100 drivers max. in 24h , starting at 00:00 hours everyday. 55.000 drivers / 100 drv limit x day = 550 days or 18 month Only need this time and some patience for have alls drivers This script use macros and hotkeys and is writed with ahk
  2. хорошая работа и хороший человек, я ремонтирую свою, спасибо товарищу
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