Проводка на СЕМ целая. При отключении провода с генератора выскакивает в СЕМ ошибка по связи с генератором. Напряжение зарядки на ХХ 14.3 и падает до 13.7. Нашел бюллетень, отрезал провод : There is a bulletin about this that pertains to your vehicle. The single wire that connects to the alternator is part of a network, called LIN. This communication wire runs to the Central Electronic Module, under the dash on the driver's side. This allows the CEM to communicate with the alternator to change output. In 2005, Volvo started pre-wiring the cars for a feature not used at that time called Blind Spot Information System (BLIS). This also uses LIN to communicate with the cameras. Even though your car did not come with BLIS, the LIN wiring is there. Volvo found that the LIN wiring for the BLIS can sometimes chafe behind the dashboad and cause a short. Because it is the same network, it can affect the alternator. The chafe usually occurs between the a-pillar of the body and the dashboard, on the driver's side. You can remove the a-pillar panel and inspect the wiring, but you may not be able to access it enough. Because this leg of the LIN system is not used, you can cut the wire at the CEM. It is in connector D, pin 24 and the wire is green and white. The connectors are not labeled, but I can provide a diagram of the connector locations tomorrow after work if you'd like. The pin numbers are numbered, but they are very small and located on the connectors themselves. Read more: http://www.justanswer.com/volvo/7p4wr-volvo-xc90-v8-hello-volvo-xc90-v8-model-2005-two.html#ixzz3WX8bW7CR Толкните в нужную сторону