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  1. 1. 8000+ firmwares for old cars 1988 up to 2000 (original and tuned) [3.1Gb] 2. EUR ECU Files [1.5Gb] 3. tuneR [0.7Gb] 4. YAS tuning firmware collection [2.1Gb] Firmware files, presumably 2012-2017. However, there are also older firmware, for example, the 8000+ firmware collection contains firmware from 1988 to 2000. Basically, fresh and popular cars are introduced. Download
  2. Renault, Dacia, Opel airbag with SPC560P50 processors crash 1 / Connect J-Link to USB and start the program J-Flash 2 / Load the SPC560P50.jflash project file and set the properties as in the pictures: 3 / Weld the wires J-Link to the Renault SRS module as in the picture: 4 / Connect the external power supply + 12V and GND to the sensor 5 / Connect the J-link programming connector to J-link. 6 / Make a backup: read and save all processor data (with all selected sectors). Select "Target" ⇨ "Replay" ⇨ "Selected Sectors" 7 / Read and save the SPC560P50 data flash (address 0x800000-0x80FFFF) in .bin format. (The file should be 64KB) 8 / Download this file to our online crash cleaner and delete it. 9 / Load the deleted file in the J-Flash program, select the starting address "800000", select "Target" ⇨ "Program & Check".
  3. Here i share with ONLY Donators & ACTIVE Members Latest ASC DPF/EGR Professional Remover Release 2017.05 , original installer (With out loader) Installation includes: - DPF Remover 2017.05 (included Flap and AdBlue sections) - EGR Remover 2017.05 (included DTC and Hotstart sections) - Lambda Remover 2017.03 (included O2, CAT and NOX sensor sections) LANGUAGES SUPORTED: Multilanguage (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Slovak - Czech, Turkish,Portegues, Dutch,Romanian,Polish, Swedish). https://mega.nz/#!hE5n2bxI!Z1eAz7bIA7DOtlT91io9cSmzK5JpXAiPb_7-bHkfll8 SOFT : https://mega.nz/#!kQAyGbKI!TB0FbRGhb_ZyRfhTkvDAYc3ofYM5KZq3jlDxbHpSG90 KEYGEN : https://mega.nz/#!dU4S1YBQ!KonyEhsWnUIoBCB1cvIFp3aNzRakOj7BQRk9C_7rX34
  4. Emperor.kbs

    Aide pour dach Mercedes

    Aidez-nous à changer la méthode de coorection dash Mercedes C-class220 midule 2012
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