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Сообщения, опубликованные travchan

  1. On 12/6/2018 at 7:41 AM, amosfet said:

    I will insert my 5 kopecks.

    I have not yet typed 30 messages, although this is not the first day. Sometimes it is strongly needed to download something from here, and I am ready to pay adequate money for the opportunity to see the investments, but there is no such possibility. This is sad. I did not receive the necessary information, the forum did not receive money. All in the red. Although I am stubborn, I still find what I need, but spending more time. And time is money.

    A person who has bought a paid access will think many times whether to pay to the masses what he paid for.

    +1 согласен, спасибо, что поделились

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