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Весь контент smart0187

  1. Basic Setting Sensor for Steering Angle (G85) Prerequisites: Start the vehicle. Turn the steering wheel one turn to the right and one turn to the left. Drive in a short distance straight line on a level surface at a speed not higher than 20 km/h. If the steering wheel is straight during the test drive then stop the vehicle with the wheels pointed straight. Ensure that the steering wheel is not moved again. Keep the engine running and do not switch off the ignition. System voltage at least 12.0 V. [Select] [03 - Brake Electronics] [Measuring Blocks - 08] Group 004 [Go!] Check field 1, the value has to be between -1.5 and +1.5 °. [Done, Go Back] [Security Access - 16] Enter 40168, to enable the basic setting. [Do it!] [Basic Settings - 04] Group 060 [Go!] After a successful basic setting, field 2 should say "OK". [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Note: If Adjustment Not Possible is displayed: The On/Off/Next button was used and the procedure will need to be repeated WITHOUT clicking it. The G85 live values were not within the +/-1.5 °specification. Repeating the procedure within specifications should resolve it. The Steering wheel should be turned to full right lock stop and to full left lock stop and centered again followed by repeating the procedure. The 16-Steerign Wheel control module and 44-Steering Assist control module (when applicable) Coding and Adaptation configurations should be checked to rule out a conflict. After successful basic setting, the Steering Limit Stop needs to be adapted too. Sensor for Steering Angle (G85) Important Note: This procedure ONLY applies to Models with Conti/Teves MK70 ABS/ASR. This Procedure does NOT apply to Conti/Teves MK60, MK60CE, MK60EC1 and similar ABS/ASR/ESP systems. Check the Vehicle specific Diagnostic Procedures pages for each ABS System page with documentation. EXCEPTION: It may be necessary to perform this procedure (in addition to the corresponding one in the ABS itself) if the ABS coding has been lost or the ABS module has been replaced. Prerequisites: Start the vehicle. Turn the steering wheel one turn to the right and one turn to the left. Drive in a short distance straight line on a level surface at a speed not higher than 20 km/h. If the steering wheel is straight during the test drive then stop the vehicle with the wheels pointed straight. Ensure that the steering wheel is not moved again. Keep the engine running and do not switch off the ignition. System voltage at least 12.0 V. [Select] [44 - Steering Assist] [Coding-II - 11] or if that function is not available then use [Sec.Access - 16] instead Enter 40168, to enable the basic setting. [Do it!] [Basic Settings - 04] Group 060 [Go!] Activate the Basic Setting. [ON/OFF/Next] After a successful basic setting, field 1 should say "OK". [Done, Go Back] To make sure the basic setting was successful, check the sensor again. [Measuring Blocks - 08] Group 007 [Go!] Check field 1, the value has to be between -1.5 and +1.5 °. [Done, Go Back] [Close Controller, Go Back - 06] Note: After successful basic setting, the Steering Limit Stop needs to be adapted too. http://wiki.ross-tech.com
  2. Вот и настало время это проверить. это ведь и называется опыт.
  3. 2 логина и ваг-ком [Do it!] [Адаптация - 10] Введите 050 в "Номер Канала". [Прочитать] 4-цифровой PIN PIN должен быть введен, как 5-значное число в поле Нового Значения. Например, если у вас PIN 1234, введите 01234. [Тест] Значение может измениться на "32000", это в порядке вещей. [Сохранить] [Готово, назад]
  4. Керамика. все как обычно + высверлить заклепки.
  5. пристегивать. и не использовать обманки в пряжки.
  6. В pass thru нет hht, для hht мультиплексор нужен Cesar. Через pdu -api не заработает
  7. В сети и на этом форуме полно инструкций. Гугл sd connect настройка
  8. Правильный ip в настройках карты впишите.
  9. Сигналка, подключена к приборке? Лампа двери?
  10. Линк есть? Ip правильно вписан?
  11. smart0187

    Кл 87

    думаю нужно воду в tcu искать
  12. smart0187

    Can Bus FF3

    имхо: bcm является гетвеем шин.
  13. хорошо что крутка - далеко не основной вид заработка.
  14. В Украине становится актуальна намотка euro блях
  15. есть sd connect на запчасти. кому интересно - в личку..... поменю на что-то интересное...
  16. Еще интересны файлы c:\ProgramData\UpAndGo\extra\settings.xml
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