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  1. Thank you for the links, well the first link is unavailable to ship in my country, but I see its price is ~45€, and the second link is about ~75€. But the complete Orange5 v1.34 A021 device can be found at "only" ~62€ ! (for example : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005004631069621.html ) So I think I will simply buy another one. I wish there was a free solution Thanks anyway!
  2. Hello guys, I have both Orange5 clones v1.34 A021, and v1.38 5C38 I have accidentaly opened software v1.38 with device v1.34 connected to computer, and it immediately started to update the device with newer firmware without asking anything... I quickly disconnected the usb cable but it was too late, now the device no longer works with any softwares v1.34 or 1.38, I think the device is bricked, it always shows errors like "Vcc too low" or "hardware error ps04" when I try to read MCUs So is it possible to reflash the device with 1.34 firmware ? Does someone have this firmware file and a tutorial how to flash it ? Or what else can I do ? Thanks!
  3. Thank you friend, I bought A021 main unit for ~60€, it has M08V license all working
  4. Hello @motoegor, thanks for your reply Unfortunately I have already tried, even tried with or without dongle (it makes no difference, as you said). If the license was working, there should be a "Scan" button in the "HC08 Security" window, like in the picture of @Tim24 a few posts above mine. So maybe @Tim24, if you read this, could you help me get this button working ? Also I read about contacting someone (@romario339 ?) who, if I understand correctly, made modifications to Orange5 software to get all licenses activated with 5C68, is this correct ?
  5. Hello guys! Sorry that I write in english, I'm french and need some help about Orange5, I found this forum and thread by searching Google for "lic0004.lix". I bought Orange5 Super Pro from Aliexpress, and just received it a few days ago. Aliexpress item page ( link : item/1005005986450172 ) says it is "fully activated", and it should have the M08V license, however it is not displayed in the Orange5 System Info window. It seems I have everything (but I didn't try, because I don't need these features yet), except M08V which is what I need ! 🤨 My Orange5 Serial number is 0503-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5C38, and software version is 1.38. I have read this topic, especially the last few pages, but Google Translate is not perfect and I don't fully understand what you are talking about. Can someone tell me what do I have to do, to have a working M08V license ? And also, can I press button "Check Updates" or will it brick my Orange5 device ? Thanks in advance 🙃
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