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Достижения Iggie

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Ответы сообщества

  1. доброго дня коллеги. Ищу сток. Car Porsche Cayenne 957 Engine 4.8 V8 385.0PS Year 2008 Engine Size 4.8 ECU Producer Siemens Build SDI4 Ecu Prod. 022906032ME 0444 Ecu Stage Number 5WP46503 Software Version 8DE4AASN140 WS2C5032_48SEAA05 Calibration WS2C50328SEAA05 DAMOS: CAW02C50W02C500
  2. Для того, чтобы BDM рабочие резисторы 10 Ом изменения с 100 Ом ( разъем расположен BDM 10- контактный ) . Там должно быть 7 из них .
  3. Извините за беспокойство , но я не говорю русский , поэтому я начать использовать Google Translate .
  4. Iggie

    Etl Hc908

    У меня есть только прошивку для HC705 . Но также ищут HC908 и TMS370 программист с помощью ETL , потому что у меня есть два кирпича программистов .
  5. I have updated my profile. I do not know is it allowed here to post links to other forums, but he seems to send those files to every forum and many guys (including some friends of mine) got locked MCU and wasted KESS. If you want a proof just allow me to provide some links.
  6. Workshop Manual - Lamborghini Gallardo (MY2003-2008) Lamborghini Gallardo 2003–2008.txt
  7. I think I have this SRS unit in my office. Is it HC912B32?
  8. You need to right "left" EPROM. Check the image (the one without the sticker on it).
  9. This is 100% tested file. No need to cut any wire. PSA Sagem S2000 Total.rar
  10. Do not use ovidiu730's files. It will cost you NXP LPC replacement!!!
  11. Using this software to remove DPF you will get problems after some driving. The car will go into forced regeneration. I do not recommend it to anyone.
  12. I saw some pdf file on net about connecting KTAG via UART and disabling protection. I am not sure I am just asking is it possible. When I find the page I will send it. There is a link.
  13. Thanks, but I cannot download attachments yet. :-( Also please check If it is 03G906018EH 1877.
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