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There are many out there who believe that Runescape is dying


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It appears that the event was designed in a way to deter winners. Tuska can only perform a tiny amount of damage per assault. This is a vast cry from the daily lifebar OSRS Power Leveling. We're nearly through our second day and have only done 1/4 of the damage required to be victorious. The first day was a loss for the players. A lot of people blamed the fact that the event was only for 12 hours rather than 24. The hype surrounding the new release encouraged players to play multiple games in the initial day.

Tuska isn't a popular target for players. They can only get reward points once every day. We can predict that future attacks against Tuska will be equally ineffective, due to the inability of the majority of RS players to complete any content for no reward.

Now we need to ask ourselves, "What happens if Tuska is elected?" What happens if Zaros pulls off an absurd feat of Deus Ex Machina in order to save the world? And we pretend nothing ever happened? Or will future content require reconstruction of Gielinor as a whole? Jagex was even prepared for this outcome.

Okay guys, new to this forum but I'm not new to runescape. I have not played in around a week due to the fact that I have been busy with other things but tonight I tried logging into the game Buy OSRS Fire Cape, and it tells me I'm banned. I go and look and it says I'm permanently banned from using macros or gold farming.

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