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CNDV-70MTP (Eastern US Disc)


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CNDV-70MTP (Eastern US Disc)

Pioneer Navigation Systems 2007 Upgrade Discs *


  •  Model Year 2007 TeleAtlas Database
  •  12 Million Points of Interest 
  •  Compatible with AVIC-N1/2/3, AVIC-D1/2 and other models listed below 

Upgrade discs for Pioneer Touch Panel Navigation Systems.  

Includes 2007 model year map database.

Compatible with AVIC-N1, AVIC-N2, AVIC-N3, AVIC-D1, and AVIC-D2, and AVIC-88DVD, AVIC-80DVD, AVIC-90DVD, 
and AVIC-9DVD, when used with Pioneer Touch Panel Display only.

New Model Year 2007 TeleAtlas database on 2 DVD Discs featuring nearly 12 million Points of Interest (POI), 
plus US and Canada coverage (including Alaska and Hawaii).

Note:  Does not change the XM Radio or iPod Interfaces.

I have successfully performed the upgrade on an AVIC-D1 using this disc.

The disc includes both the software upgrade and the new TeleAtlas data.

The original image (7.1Gb) was obtained using Alcohol 120% (Media Descriptor File, MDF). 
It was compressed using WinRAR.

You will need to decompress the MDF file to the original 7.1Gb image, then burn it to a double layer (DVD-DL) disc.


* Navigation System Upgrade for all-in-one Navigation Systems



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