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  1. https://mega.nz/file/PhAACb5R#ZGoIqPjhFYsCyICzq1zuTZTz_zywOFt0pyzjUkL3MJs Done! 17R3 vFiNaL Keygen Unlocked.rar
  2. What about Yours? FREE! Delphi 2017 R3 / Cars and Trucks / PLUS KEYGEN!! You can activate it yourself!
  3. valerysntx

    Keygen v2017.01 vFinaL.exe Analysis

    We see that we are lack of license. What is the problem, Lets' chat to [email protected]! Mr. code4bin doesn't wan't You to make free activations around the globe, He will sell you missing parts of the application for around ~250$ 😕 .... Paying attention to not send him bucks, why his app isn't cheap, let's see what we are missing ... See, the missing part is the License.dat file, with 1.aes file packed inside, - it's a ZIP, let's fake it ! Cool, let's dig it further, few steps for free activations, as it should be... Computer binary mess, we get own Response.xml after digging inside 2,13.3 code, Stop the growing corruption that started from '2.13.3 app + keygen' pack which was absolutely free lead to such noncense with versions, upgrades, Let's stop manual <Request></Response >, transactions , forum spam for asking activations or license generator missing parts, Fu*Kc You, no-named 'Key Generator Boss' Keygen 2017.01 vFiNaL.exe.7z License.dat to play around... Does anybody has lic.ac file? License.dat // 2017.x vFinal appbase private static byte[] EncryptInitStringForSecurityDLL(string initString) { byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(initString); byte[] rgbKey = new byte[24]; string str1 = "Security.1;a<3k9Zvt^dE80"; string str2 = "a2H*b#I'"; for (int index = 0; index < rgbKey.Length; ++index) rgbKey[index] = Convert.ToByte(str1[index]); byte[] rgbIV = new byte[8]; for (int index = 0; index < rgbIV.Length; ++index) rgbIV[index] = Convert.ToByte(str2[index]); ICryptoTransform encryptor = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider().CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV); try { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream((Stream) memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)) { cryptoStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); cryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock(); return memoryStream.ToArray(); } } } catch (CryptographicException ex) { return (byte[]) null; } } /* Learn how it unpacks... */ private static void FirstTimeSetup() { SettingsHandler instance = SettingsHandler.GetInstance(); if (instance.Program.ForceRegenerateX) { string path = Path.Combine(SettingsHandler.GetDataFolder(), "x.sdf"); if (File.Exists(path)) File.Delete(path); instance.Program.ForceRegenerateX = false; } bool flag = Program.IsFirstTimeSetupNeeded(); CSDebug.WriteTrace("isFirstTimeSetupNeeded=" + flag.ToString()); if (flag) { Program.fs.Hide(); int num = (int) new FormFirstTimeSetup(Program.versionString).ShowDialog(); string[] contents = new string[2] { Program.versionString, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() }; File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(SettingsHandler.GetDataFolder(), "version.txt"), contents); Program.ApplyAccessRules(); } if ((!Program.IsRegLinkInstalled() || !flag ? (!Program.IsFirstTimeSetupNeededForRegLink() ? 1 : 0) : 0) == 0) { int num1 = (int) new FormFirstTimeSetup(Program.versionString) { RegLinkMode = true }.ShowDialog(); } if (Program.IsAdministrator()) { Program.ApplyAccessRules(); CSDebug.WriteTrace("Account running Main.exe is administrator. Applying access rules..."); } Program.fs.Show(); } Program.cs Here is the proof - 2.13 with the 2.17.1 missing db
  4. CNDV-70MTP (Eastern US Disc) Pioneer Navigation Systems 2007 Upgrade Discs * Model Year 2007 TeleAtlas Database 12 Million Points of Interest Compatible with AVIC-N1/2/3, AVIC-D1/2 and other models listed below Upgrade discs for Pioneer Touch Panel Navigation Systems. Includes 2007 model year map database. Compatible with AVIC-N1, AVIC-N2, AVIC-N3, AVIC-D1, and AVIC-D2, and AVIC-88DVD, AVIC-80DVD, AVIC-90DVD, and AVIC-9DVD, when used with Pioneer Touch Panel Display only. New Model Year 2007 TeleAtlas database on 2 DVD Discs featuring nearly 12 million Points of Interest (POI), plus US and Canada coverage (including Alaska and Hawaii). Note: Does not change the XM Radio or iPod Interfaces. I have successfully performed the upgrade on an AVIC-D1 using this disc. The disc includes both the software upgrade and the new TeleAtlas data. The original image (7.1Gb) was obtained using Alcohol 120% (Media Descriptor File, MDF). It was compressed using WinRAR. You will need to decompress the MDF file to the original 7.1Gb image, then burn it to a double layer (DVD-DL) disc. https://bit.ly/3ar8xqa * Navigation System Upgrade for all-in-one Navigation Systems
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