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Сообщения, опубликованные alexb2806

  1. Hi, thank you all for the replies. I had an Op-Com China Clone but it's an old version and I cannot read mainly anything with it. I managed to get a Delphi Autocom interface, and as some of you mentioned, the fault was on the electrical side. The Spark plug Relay LOW VOLTAGE error was stored, so i guess it needs replacement. Thanks again. If anyone has a newer OP-COM version and would like to share it with me, that would be great.  I tried downloading the file from here: http://carmasters.org/topic/7132-op-com-131223c150406b-db-2015-ocflash-for-hq-clone/ but i have no access because i am a new user. if you would like, please send it to me via email at: [email protected]


    Have a great day,


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