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Сообщения, опубликованные Waliduk

  1. On 11/04/2018 at 5:06 PM, Мастак said:

    Dear colleagues!

    Our forum is not only a platform for communication of auto specialists, but also a cumulative knowledge base in the field of car repairs. I think each of you came across a situation where you find an old topic with a problem that is very similar to the one currently available, but the topic is abandoned and the author did not unsubscribe. There are so many of them and there is no use from them. In connection with the forum administration decided to amend the rules of the forum, namely:

    After creating a topic with a question regarding the diagnosis or repair of cars, equipment or search for technical documentation, the topic's author must unsubscribe within 3 months on the results, regardless of whether a solution has been found. If the solution (dump, documentation) is found: write what exactly was the problem or attach the corrected dump, information. If a solution (dump, information, etc.) is not found, the car left or the client refused - unsubscribe about this is also necessary.

    In case the topic is not closed within 3 months and there is no report from the author - the moderator gives the author of the topic a warning with 3 points. By reaching 10 points, the account is automatically blocked for a year.

    If the moderator sees the final answer in the topic - he gives 1 point of reputation.



    To facilitate the work of the moderators and to avoid mistakes, I ask all of them to reconsider their topics for the next couple of months and add a small report to them. Find your own themes in 2 clicks:




    After you unsubscribe about the decision, it is desirable to close the topic. You can do it yourself in your themes by clicking the bottom of the theme button "moderator actions"




    Thanks Sir understood

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