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Сообщения, опубликованные amyjackson

  1. Yes, night shift workers can take Modalert. It is a wakefulness-promoting agent that helps to stay awake for several hours. It targets the central nervous system and affects certain neurotransmitters in the brain causing more alertness and activeness. Users are advised to take Modalert 200mg dose 30 to 60 minutes before the shift begins. The peak concentration of the medicine reaches in 2 to 4 hours. The effect of Modalert 200mg tablet lasts for up to 15 hours. Therefore, it is advised to take only one dose of 200mg.

    More information about Modalert 200mg.

  2. Modafinil 200 mg is a prescription medication that helps to deal with excessive daytime sleepiness associated with sleep disorder such as Insomnia, Epilepsy, Narcolepsy, Shift Work Sleep disorder etc. It is a eugeroic group of drug that promotes wakefulness and alertness in users. Medical use of Modafinil was approved by the FDA for it's efficacy and affordability. It works by affecting certain neurotransmitter in the brain and promote wakefulness and alertness in users. To know the detailed use of Modafinil visit here.

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